This version of SwitchBack requires System 7.1 or later.
What is SwitchBack?
SwitchBack is a utility program that synchronizes two folders, so that both folders have a copy of the most recent version of their files. The two folders can reside on the same volume, on two different volumes, or indeed on two different computers connected by a network.
It has been designed principally for those people with two computers (especially desktop and PowerBook) who need to ensure that they have the most recent version of their documents available to them.
It also functions well as a simple backup utility for people with one computer. For example, a folder residing on your main hard disk can be linked to a folder residing on a floppy disk.
New Features since version 2.6 (6 Apr 1997)
OS8 like grey appearance
Uses Navigation Services if available on a PowerMac
Activity log
Doesn't use so much system temporary memory with very large files
Report and error log windows are now zoomable
Trying to delete a locked file will now result in that file being moved to the trash
Numerous miscellaneous bug fixes and tweaks
Installing On-line Help
To install on-line help you need to include the “SwitchBack Help” file in the same folder as the SwitchBack application. If you do not wish to use balloon help or have the on-line help available, simply remove the file “SwitchBack Help” from the folder that SwitchBack is in.